It’s only been about a month and a half since the release of the Pearl map on Valorant, but players across the world have already found so many tips and tricks to turn the tides in their favor here. Being the first ever map set on Omega Earth, the tables have turned on the Attackers and Defenders, each assuming the role of their foes. But some things never change and one of the most pivotal aspects in this FPS have not changed: how well-timed and placed smokes can change a match. So get your favorite Controller ready and let’s place some epic smokes that will surely give your team an advantage each round!
Smoking Mid
Mid Controls is crucial on Pearl and any team that forsakes Mid will find themselves in quite the pickle before long in each and every round. Mid in Pearl is a network of very tight spaces and corners, so it’s easy to get confused and picked off here if you don’t know what you’re doing. The biggest risks lie at the center open area which has multiple alleyways opening into
Controllers can make the most of this area using their smokes, allowing their team better chances to rotate more efficiently and safely. Below two spots are all rounders that work in almost all situations;
Drop down your smoke at the Mid connector, in between A Link and A Art!

Another option is to drop it at the Mid connector in between B Link and Mid Doors!

A Site
A is the smaller site and presents more routes of easy entry for the Defenders in addition to its many corners.

If you’re on Attack, it’s best to smoke off at least two of the three entryways. Whether you choose to go in through A Main or A Link, your safest bet would be to smoke off the entrance of A Link and in between A Dugout and A Secret. Under the cover these smokes provide, your team can effectively get the Plant down and play for post-plant. The only area left unsupervised is A Flowers, but you can abuse the site layout for cover.

Pearl is relatively Defender sided, so it’s easier to smoke from this side. As long as you can block off the two Attacker entrances, you’re mostly secure. Just place the beloved one-way smokes at A Link and A Main to throw your opponent’s plans out the window! Just remember that your foes might consider taking the full trip to the Defender Spawn as the clock ticks, especially if Mid and B Site are compromised.

B Site
B is the bigger of the two Pearl sites and is an absolute playground for Operators, especially for Jett and Chamber players.

On Attack, be sure to smoke off the B Hall opening that is found beside the B Screen. The other smoke can be used to block off B Tower, facilitating an effective site entry and capture of the site momentarily. Once you’re in and get the plant down, spread out to cover the angles for B Link and the remaining side of B Hall.

When you’re on Defense, you can face the issue of widely spread out enemies. As such, consider smoking off the right side of B Ramps rather than the left side, because the latter can be watched from B Screen. Another smoke can be used to block off B Link or B Tower, but these are mostly situational. Remember that if you have a Sentinel on this Site, guarding it would be that much easier with their Utilities.

Thus concludes this Article on the best Smoking spots on the Pearl map in Valorant. As time flies, players will continue to discover better spots and one-ways, so keep experimenting and watching the Pros. If you’re wondering about the best Controllers to handle the Smokes on Pearl, or rather the best Agents on this map overall.
Thanks for reading and we hope you continue to enjoy everything Pearl has to offer!